16 | My Current Morning Routine with 3 Kids 4 & Under

16 | My Current Morning Routine with 3 Kids 4 & Under

Update: 2024-06-11


Hi, friend!

In today’s episode, I’m walking you through my exact current morning routine with 3 kids 4 and under. How I’m starting the morning solo, how I WISH I was starting my morning (spoiler alert: I’ve totally slacked on a core must have rhythm in my days recently and we’re going to chat about why + how to fix it), and the general framework that the kids and I use to structure our mornings at home to make sure the things that need to get done are getting done and we’re still building in that intentional time for connection and quality time together. 

If mornings feel a liiiittle chaotic in your house right now, this is the episode for you. I’ve been there when you have multiple little ones and they all need a LOT from you in this stage so mornings feel pretty much the LAST thing from restful. It feels like you’re waking up and just jumping from one thing to the next until you finally get them in bed for nap time in the afternoon. 

You know you WANT to have some of that slow, intentional time with your kiddos to read to them, maybe play with them for a few minutes, go on a walk, but it just feels like the morning goes by in a blur of changing diapers, feeding babies, giving snacks, cleaning up toys, and suddenly it’s lunchtime and you don’t even know where the time went!

If you’ve ever wanted to just be a fly on the wall in how other SAHM’s structure their day, this is the episode for you! This framework will give you a peek into the actual routines and systems that are working for our mornings currently and I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!





Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: https://rhythm-reset-roadmap.teachable.com/p/rhythm-reset-roadmap

Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/a958ab4a29

Listen to episode 2 on morning routines: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/02-struggling-with-waking-up-before-your-kids-how-to/id1739009977?i=1000651890562

Read Aloud Revival podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/read-aloud-revival/id870178510

Come join the FREE FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/748875550194448


Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

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16 | My Current Morning Routine with 3 Kids 4 & Under

16 | My Current Morning Routine with 3 Kids 4 & Under

KyAnn Molina